I find it such a shock, a nice one of course, when something you make turns out just as you saw it in your minds eye. That happened with this piece.
This is my scribble inspired by the neckpiece seen in the various images of Quetzalcoatl.

In my stash I found some wonderful pattered leather that set the colour scheme and size.
I placed it on batting before satin stitching it to the handmade silk paper.
I decided to go with the silk paper instead of a quilted background as I like the contrast in the materials.

Beading came next and it nearly stayed like that for a long while.
I knew I wanted to hang copper leaf shapes from the leather. I hadn't got any so it would have to wait until I could get over Christmas, like everyone else, and buy some.

While working on something in no way connected to this I found some soft copper strips. I have no idea how long I have had them or where they came from, but they were just perfect for my leaves. Yay!
The leather measures approx 6ins wide and the silk paper approx 10ins, very roughly, square.
Hugs, Alis.